Opinion Leaders Agree - Prop 112 is bad for Colorado

Newspaper editorial boards around the state agree that Proposition 112 is too extreme and bad for Colorado. See what they're saying...

"With such a ban would come an exodus of oil and gas companies from the state, the high-paying jobs they create directly and indirectly, and the taxes they pay to state and local governments."

"Of all the issues on the statewide ballot for the November election, Proposition 112 seems to be generating some of the most vocal opposition. There’s a simple reason for this: It’s a bad idea."

"But the one-size-fits-all approach to setbacks — 2,500 feet regardless of circumstances and community values — is not appropriate for Colorado."

"Prop 112 would impose 2,500-foot setbacks for oil and gas operations, killing the industry in Colorado and ending more than 147,000 jobs over the next 10 years. Nearly 75 percent of lost jobs would be outside the oil and gas industry."

"The devastating impacts of 112 on the state's oil and gas industry are well-established by now. New drilling would come to a screeching halt in the most productive areas of Colorado, particularly the Denver-Julesberg Basin near Greeley. According to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, about 85 percent of Colorado's non-federal land would be excluded from development with the required 2,500-foot setback."

"What Proposition 112 would do is cost the state thousands of jobs and the economy billions of dollars. It also would create tremendous amounts of uncertainty that would permeate the economy and last for a long time.

It’s for these reasons, we think, that leaders of disparate political backgrounds — like gubernatorial candidates Walker Stapleton and Jared Polis — all think Proposition 112 is a bad idea."

"But we feel that increasing setbacks now may cause serious harm to Colorado's economy without alternatives yet in place."

"We realize there are some who want oil and gas development out of the state, and Proposition 112 might be the first step in making this aim a reality. But these developments are crucial to this part Colorado, and we cannot sit idly by while groups attempt to cut the legs out from under our future prosperity."

"In the governor’s race, both Stapleton, the industry-friendly conservative, and Polis, the green liberal, think 2,500 feet is too far. If it’s outside the gulf between these two candidates, it is certainly too far for us.

We are a NO vote on Initiative 97."

"Some ballot initiatives offer you, the elector, some difficulty. There's often merit to either an affirmative or a negative vote. Colorado Proposition 112 isn't one of them...Energy independence is important for Colorado. This industry is a significant driver for Eastern Colorado communities."

"When it comes to petroleum setbacks, one size does not fit all, and possibly any."

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